I can hear crickets ..its been a while since I've written anything
Time has never been anyone's friend especially me
ENOUGH about the boring stuff .. let's get on with this
The Metro FM awards were on our Durban shores at the ICC this past weekend.
Many of you watched some didn't including myself (SO I'm not gonna lie and say I did )
Our celebs either killed it (As in a "GOOD way ) or totally looked drab..
Lemme share my opinion ..
Ooh these beautiful women.. Looking absolutely stunning like REALLY stunning
They remind me of angels ( YES I've never seen angels but I'm sure they would kind of look like this YES? NO? MAYBE? )
MINNIE DLAMINI (Had to write it in caps cos she works her CURVES well!) however I don't like the colour, the print works well ,the cut of the dress is flawless..and those TWINS ( I mean her breasts ) She looked vivacious ..grrr ( LOL)
Nhlanhla looks like a cloud .. I don't fancy this .. Theo looks really smart it his suit (THUMBS UP)
Chomee .. and her lace dress? uhm well..her hair looks nice ( I don't have much to say ..)
Lerato Kganyago oh so fresh .."Nice'' dress she's got there (More twins once again ..from Minnie to Lerato , it seemed like a trend ..you know what they say. If you got it flaunt it?
Lootlove in a black gown.. she played it safe. I LIKE ( and oh look?! more Twins being flaunted! )
Lootlove and Nomoozlie Mabena from MTV. The pose though no honey act like a lady please ..but I still love her (more twins AGAIN! )
Oh look its Zahara ..nice hair
Amanda Du pont mmh I like this. She's gorgeous ( pronounced GORJUS lol )
oh look again it's Danny K and his wife . Danny K's suit gets a thumbs up. Look at the color
BOITY... that body! ..oh and nice dress
Ladies LOVE Donald ..me too. BUT THIS outfit made me laugh .. it's looks ..uhm I just don't understand what's going on here.
uhm why did HE get an award? TBO-TOUCH and AMANDA DU PONT
Pearl Thusi in black ..that ''yellow-bone'' leg looks sexy. No weave it's all NATURAL
Lunga Shabalala in ALL BLACK ! LOVE it
Singer Nandi Mngoma I'm loving the color and the back :)
That's about it for now!
Mention for a followback @Fbtbeyond ( Fashion Beyond Trends)